I Love BCBS (and other positive cosmic energy)

I was finally able to get in touch with the surgeon’s insurance coordinator. It turns out that she had already contacted my insurance company, but they won’t allow her to fax the documentation to them, she had to mail it to some PO Box in Pennsylvania (this feels more impersonal by the minute). She’ll check back with the insurance company in a week to make sure they received my information. THEN she said it takes 2-4 weeks to hear back. According to my policy, BCBS only has 14 business days (which, I realize, is 3 weeks).

Ok, let’s time this out. If BCBS receives my packet by next Tuesday (Oct 30) and takes 4 weeks to respond (Nov 27) and then surgery is schedule a month and half later (January 10), I’m in trouble for all the reasons listed when I explained how important it is for me to have a December surgery date. I think I’d better give up on that as a possibility. I just don’t see how it can happen unless I get approval and then get scheduled immediately (ha!).

Anyhow, I’ve done all I can do. My psychologist wants me to begin writing about one negative and one positive emotion every day, and today I feel proud. I’m proud that I’ve lost 51 pounds, I’m proud that I’m still losing, I’m proud of myself for doing this, I’m proud of myself for getting all the documentation lined up like nobody’s business, and I’m proud of taking control of my health. I’m also anxious (about not having control over this part of the process, about not knowing how this will play out with timing, etc). But mostly I’m just proud.

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